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We had some meetings with representatives of the University of Novi Sad and Vojvodina Metal Cluster, the most important metal association in Serbia with 113 members. The topic of the meetings was the organization of joint work in the development of the project idea, the establishment of partnerships, the dissemination of activities and responsibilities according to the capabilities and experience of the partners. As a result, we developed a project proposal within the Interreg Danube Transnational Program “Development of a Value Network for Advanced Production to Strengthen Transnational Cooperation and the Innovation Environment in the Danube Region”. The project partners are from Serbia, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria and Croatia. The main goal of the project is to establish a network of Advanced Manufacturing Value, based on the concept of Open innovation, which enables the generation and commercialization of innovative ideas and technical solutions in the Danube region.
In the years 2013-2017, we participated as an associate partner in the TEMPUS JPCR project - Mastering innovation in Serbia through the development and implementation of interdisciplinary post-graduate curriculum in innovation management (MAIN).
The overall goal of the project is to promote Serbia's innovative capacity by modernizing Serbia's higher education system and providing a sustainable source of high-quality human resources. The project will achieve this by developing and implementing interdisciplinary postgraduate curricula in the field of innovation management, based on the best practice of existing EU study programs and in line with the Bologna requirements in Serbian higher education.
The specific objectives are: