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To keep you up to date, we work with renowned research partners on a wide range of national and European research projects. As a result, we are aware of current trends and new technologies and use them to develop new innovative methods and tools. We want to pass on the knowledge we gain in this way to you, with a view to applying it to your employees in your internal projects. We have also developed many strategic partnerships, as can be seen below.
Innovation project it represents a process that starts with the customer, with an understanding of the problem, and ends with the user, with a measured satisfaction with the solution.
How to the concept of the the project support is designed to be at the web the organization, so we've assembled a project team competence of internal and external partners to be able to find a solution to any challenge.
In our services, we're using a variety of tools, methods, approaches, seminars, training courses and concepts at just the right time.
VAR d. o.o., Orodjarstvo Šemrl, AGIS Plus d. o.o., Ip address of the d. o.o., SICO d. o.o., LIMB d. o.o., Iskra Avtoelektrika d. o.o., Village d. o.o., Ecotip d. o.o., The protection of Ptuj d. o.o., HTZ I. P. Together, THIS Sporting, RLV d. o.about. Together, Arcont, d. d., of the Uniforest d. o.o., Arcont IP d. o.o., Veplas Velenje d. d., Largely Castings d. o.o., LEC Building d. o.o., AGIS TECHNOLOGIES d. d., Ptuj, Robust d. o.about. and companies in the country, Agrocop of Bosnia and herzegovina, Gallustrac, JF, Denmark, Dresscode21 GmbH, the Neurovation GmbH and others.